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Special Education

Special education services are provided to eligible children from birth to twenty-one years of age as outlined on the child’s individual education plan (IEP). Children are identified through a referral and evaluation process and are educated in the general education curriculum to the maximum extent possible. Specifically and individually designed instruction enables the child who is eligible for special education and related services to benefit from their education. Parental involvement is an essential aspect of the special education process. Special education programs are guided by a federal law entitled The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) combined with state administrative rules. 


The West Central School District follows a process for special education evaluation and services. 

  • Written request for a referral for special education

  • File review of student

  • Determination if an evaluation is necessary or unnecessary

  • Parental consent for evaluation

  • Comprehensive special education evaluation

  • Multidisciplinary team meeting to determine eligibility

  • If a student is determined in need of special education and related services, the team develops an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). Services are provided to the student and progress is measured and reported to the parents.

  • An IEP is reviewed at least annually

  • Child is re-evaluated every three years


Each building in the district has a resource room, which is staffed by highly qualified special education teachers and educational assistants. Our goal is to provide students with disabilities the individualized services they need in order to be successful in home, school, and community settings. If you would like more information about special education, please call the Director of Special Services at 528-5317, a building principal, or a district special education teacher.


Related Services

Related services are support services that are necessary for individual students to benefit from special education.


Speech and Language Services

These related services are outlined on the student’s IEP and are based on evaluation completed by licensed speech and language pathologists. Speech and language services may include articulation, language development, and augmentative communication, which are delivered in small groups or one-to-one settings, as well as through consultation.


Occupational and Physical Therapy

These related services may address gross or fine motor development, activities for daily living, positioning and mobility training.  Occupational and physical therapy services are based on information obtained through an evaluation by licensed therapist and are outlined on the student’s IEP.


School Psychology Services

Our district school psychologist is actively involved in conducting evaluations to determine eligibility for special education. In addition, they assist with pre-referral interventions related to behavior and academic achievement, provide input during the development of the student’s IEP, and provide behavioral intervention.


Resource Links

South Dakota Department of Education - Special Education
Parental Rights Procedural Safeguards
Early Intervention - Pre-School Section 619
Transition services Liaison Project

Center for Exceptional Children
Department of Human Services
Disability Rights of South Dakota
South Dakota Parent Connection
Department of Human Services

South Dakota Department of Social Services
Social Security Disability Benefits Resources
Social Security Apply for Disability Benefits Online
South Dakota Coalition of citizens with Disabilities

South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulations 
Independent Living Choices
Southeastern Behavioral Health

SD Advocacy

Volunteers of America

USD Center for Disabilities 


West Central Comprehensive Special Education Plan

Letter for Destruction of Records

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